Friday, November 21, 2008

The All new Google Mail

I wanted to check my mail this morning, and I opened up my new browser, "Flock", I downloaded last night. I typed in gmail's web address and waited for a few minutes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Instead of the usual, plain, boring layout and white background, there was a picture as the background. And it was so good to look at. I thought again. I had read somewhere on the web about "phishing sites", for those of you who don't know, phishing sites are those which are set up by hackers, exactly similar to the original ones, to obtain valuable personal information, from unsuspecting users.

I tried all alternatives. I opened Gmail through Google search. And then, through Yahoo search. But, the result was the same, flashy, good-looking website. Bad, there isn't the sign-in seal like feature in Google, which is there in Yahoo, to detect fake sites. I wish Google could add such a feature to enhance security. I looked again at the address bar. The protocol has Secure-HTTP. I thought again and I signed in. What surprised me was, that I was able to change even the layout of my inbox and other stuff. A variety of themes were avilable to choose from and it all looked so cool.

Looks like Google is all set to enter the trendy and stylish market. Here's one fan wishing all the very best for Google!! And yet again, the end of another post. Check back soon!!! 

1 comment:

Vinay said...

Did u check out yahoo's new Glue search result page? with news, blogs, web results images and all in the same page?

Flock? Let me check it out.

Google generally has this aversion to good designs. Generally their aim is to make simple and efficient software they dont concentrate on design.

Take for instance google search or gtalk..plaing white and easy to use.

Also, their themes I feela re never too great. Take for instance, blogger templates, google offers a very little selection. Third party blogger templates are out of the world.

Only if they do the same for orkut and gmail will it look more appealing. There are a million amazing designers out there and if they allow third part functionality, Google themes can look great.

The problem is this creates security risks but "Google" has to know how to work around that.

Horribly long comment I know..Should have blogged it..
Am publishing it in technomumbling.